您选择的条件: Jun-Feng Wang
  • A scaling relation in [C II]-detected galaxies and its likely application in cosmology

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We identify and investigate a possible correlation between the $\rm{[CII]} 158{\mu}m$ luminosity and linewidth in the $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies. Observationally, the strength of the $\rm{[CII]} 158{\mu}m$ emission line is usually stronger than that of the CO emission line and this $\rm{[CII]}$ line has been used as another tracer of the galactic characteristics. Moreover, many $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies are identified in $z > 4$. Motivated by previous studies of the CO luminosity - FWHM correlation relation (LFR) and the available new $\rm{[CII]}$ measurements, we compile samples of the $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies in the literature and perform the linear regression analysis. The $\rm{[CII]}$ LFR is confirmed at a robust level. We also demonstrate the possible application of the $\rm{[CII]}$ LFR by utilizing it on the distance measurement of the high-$z$ galaxy. As a result, we extend the cosmic spatial scale beyond the redshift $z$ of $7$. With the outcome of the distance measurement, we constrain the cosmology parameters in the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder model, which considers the evolution of dark energy. Consequently, the uncertainties of the $\textit{w}_{0}$ and $\textit{w}_{a}$ are reduced significantly when the measured distance data of the $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies are included in the cosmological parameter constraint, exemplifying the potential of using the $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies as a tracer to constrain the cosmological parameters.

  • A scaling relation in [C II]-detected galaxies and its likely application in cosmology

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We identify and investigate a possible correlation between the $\rm{[CII]} 158{\mu}m$ luminosity and linewidth in the $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies. Observationally, the strength of the $\rm{[CII]} 158{\mu}m$ emission line is usually stronger than that of the CO emission line and this $\rm{[CII]}$ line has been used as another tracer of the galactic characteristics. Moreover, many $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies are identified in $z > 4$. Motivated by previous studies of the CO luminosity - FWHM correlation relation (LFR) and the available new $\rm{[CII]}$ measurements, we compile samples of the $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies in the literature and perform the linear regression analysis. The $\rm{[CII]}$ LFR is confirmed at a robust level. We also demonstrate the possible application of the $\rm{[CII]}$ LFR by utilizing it on the distance measurement of the high-$z$ galaxy. As a result, we extend the cosmic spatial scale beyond the redshift $z$ of $7$. With the outcome of the distance measurement, we constrain the cosmology parameters in the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder model, which considers the evolution of dark energy. Consequently, the uncertainties of the $\textit{w}_{0}$ and $\textit{w}_{a}$ are reduced significantly when the measured distance data of the $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies are included in the cosmological parameter constraint, exemplifying the potential of using the $\rm{[CII]}$-detected galaxies as a tracer to constrain the cosmological parameters.

  • Faint AGNs Favor Unexpectedly Long Inter-band Time Lags

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Inconsistent conclusions are obtained from recent active galactic nuclei (AGNs) accretion disk inter-band time-lag measurements. While some works show that the measured time lags are significantly larger (by a factor of $\sim 3$) than the theoretical predictions of the Shakura \& Sunyaev disk (SSD) model, others find that the time-lag measurements are consistent with (or only slightly larger than) that of the SSD model. These conflicting observational results might be symptoms of our poor understanding of AGN accretion physics. Here we show that sources with larger-than-expected time lags tend to be less-luminous AGNs. Such a dependence is unexpected if the inter-band time lags are attributed to the light-travel-time delay of the illuminating variable X-ray photons to the static SSD. If, instead, the measured inter-band lags are related not only to the static SSD but also to the outer broad emission-line regions (BLRs; e.g., the blended broad emission lines and/or diffuse continua), our result indicates that the contribution of the non-disk BLR to the observed UV/optical continuum decreases with increasing luminosity ($L$), i.e., an anti-correlation resembling the well-known Baldwin effect. Alternatively, we argue that the observed dependence might be a result of coherent disk thermal fluctuations as the relevant thermal timescale, $\tau_{\mathrm{TH}}\propto L^{0.5}$. With future accurate measurements of inter-band time lags, the above two scenarios can be distinguished by inspecting the dependence of inter-band time lags upon either the BLR components in the variable spectra or the timescales.